Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Right-Wingnuts using the term "Cultural Marxism" to make them appear less bigoted

'Cultural Marxism,' a conspiracy theory with an anti-Semitic twist, is being pushed by much of the American right. My favourite right wingnut, Paul Weyrich has an article in which he admits there was a silence conspiracy during the election, and that Canada has had "Cultural Marxism" foisted on them by the courts (which are, in his view, full of liberal judges).

Once again I see the right-wing agendas start to roll along with their narrow-minded views and show their ugly underbelly. By using semi-intelligent sounding terms like "Cultural Marxism", they are trying to convince the rest of the country (the normal ones...) that the cause of all the world's woes (you know, all that crazy commie stuff like basic human rights, state-responsibilities, access to medical care, compassion for those less fortunate than ourselves...) is really those nasty Jews. Wow.

Didn't we beat the Nazi's 60 years ago? I thought that dog was dead and buried. Apparently, some of them snuck into the country with those "nasty Jews" they refer to in their speeches and writings, the ones who are perpetrating this crime of "Cultural Marxism"...

Hard to believe they can actually say that with a straight face and still profess to be "Christians". Any bible I have seen says "Love thy neighbour" NOT "Love only those neighbours who believe the same narrow-minded, bigoted dogma I preach". Maybe they have the new, improved, remixed, dance version of the KKK bible, the one with the Village People on the cover all dressed as Himmler wearing tights and ballet slippers...

1 comment:

lecentre said...

I got here from Progressive Bloggers (welcome aboard).
This was a funny and interesting post. I'm pleasantly surprised to hear a Lefty defending myself and my fellow Jews, because these past few years it seems the Left's been all over those poor freedom loving militants (you know, the ones that blow up civilians to fight freedom, er sry, to 'freedom fight') like the ones that just got elected to take control of the PA.
On another note, as you can probably tell by this comment, I have a sarcastic/cynical sense of humour. Thus I enjoyed your like-minded comments, such as the remixed dance version of the KKK bible, and all that crazy commie stuff we Jews have been 'secretly plotting' about. (Actually, I seem to recall marxism being an atheist, publically available philosophy, but anyways...)
Oh, and one last thing. As I'd rather not give these fools traffic, which might boost them in Google's ratings by making them more relevant for terms like cultural marxism and such, could you post excerpts of the main trash, so I can see what it's all about?