Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Message for the Conservatives...

It appears the people of Canada are fed up with the party in power because of scandals. I would like to point this out to the Conservatives. Scandals, NOT political policies.

The country did not suddenly wake up one morning and decide they wanted a right-wing government, they decided it was time for a shakeup. Many Canadians are thinking that way, and without their support, the Conservatives will not stay in power. The Conservatives need to remember Canadians are not handing them a carte blanche to start cutting the social safety net, just a chance to show they are more than the neo-cons who blabbered stupidly and slobbered from their jowls at the thought of taking over the country for right-wing fundamentalism during their last campaign.

Apparently Harper has found a large enough muzzle for those types. If Harper shows he can do a decent job and control the neo-cons, they will have their chance. BUT, he needs to remember that the majority do not want wholesale cuts to programs.

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